Sunday, January 22, 2012

Art Iz Stoopid

I want to give a BIG thank you to those of who have said any of the following:
  • All art is stupid
  • All art is pointless
  • I hate art
  • I don't understand art
  • Artists are overrated
  • Art does not contribute to our society
YOU! have helped create this post. Congratulations on being ignorant, narrow-minded, judgmental, and possibly under-educated. What you so arrogantly don't realize is the impact art has on our society and culture.

Let's address these negative connotations. The first: All art is stupid and pointless. Before attending art school for 2 years I too believed this. I didn't see the point in the cave drawings from 30,000 years ago or Joseph Kosuth's One and Three Chairs. Those two pieces of art has heavily impacted society and culture. Let's take a look at the cave painting found about 32,000 years ago.

This "stupid" cave painting has helped scientists better understand what animals and materials were available during that time. Without the cave drawings we would have not known what people did in their daily life or how they lived. We now know what kind of animals existed. The medium they used also plays an important role because it helped create this piece of art. Whoever did this probably did not intend for it to be art but rather documented what they experienced in daily life.

Now let's jump to modern art, which can be difficult to understand. Not many people like modern art because it is too hard to understand and it requires much more thought. Kosuth's One and Three Chairs is simple yet can be very complicated if you really research the entire meaning behind it. I will not get into the in depth details (which I could easily do since I wrote a 5 page paper on his artwork), but give you a simple analytical proposition.
In this image, you see a photograph of a chair, an actual chair, and a definition of chair. Kosuth wants you to think: What is a chair? What is the function of a chair? I dare you to leave a comment for those two questions.

This two pieces of art show that art is not stupid and pointless. Art has a function! That is what I want you to think of art as, as a function. What function does it serve? Kosuth took a regular chair, something we mindlessly use every single day and made it into art. While we are on the subject of a chair, took a look at the chair you are sitting in. Someone, probably an artist, designed that chair. Or how about that logo on your Caribou coffee? A graphic designer created that on a computer using a program called Adobe. Or how about that painting that is carelessly hanging on your wall? An artist did that. So the next time you think art is stupid and pointless maybe you should reconsider and take a look at everything around you. Appreciate some of these things because someone spent hours designing and creating these objects and pieces of art. There are millions of artists out there who create many of the things we buy, own, see, and hear.

I hate art is another negative connotation that I hear quite often. If you hate art then hate the album cover of the CD's you own, or better yet hate the posters that hang in your room. A photographer took that picture or designed the layout for that poster you treasure. If you hate art so much please, do me a favor, paint your walls sterile white, and sleep on a mattress with a plain colored blanket because that is what your life would be like without art. Sterile and fucking boring. I know after a couple weeks you would begin to go nuts with nothing but white walls to look at.

I don't understand art. If you don't understand art do some fucking research. Find one artist that you like, it can be a painter, a graffiti artist, a sculptor, or a graphic designer, and research them. Figure out why they create the art they do. Find the meanings behind it. This doesn't require you to step foot into a drafty old art museum, just use the internet. I think you will find after about 5 minutes that you kinda get their message. You don't have to understand art in order to like it. You can just simply like it for what it is. Better yet, buy a book on art or even take an art class to better understand it.

My favorite: Artists are overrated. The first thing I will say to this is if you say you are a starving artist please take the liberty of go getting a fucking job you pathetic lazy scumguzzler.I don't give a shit if you take a job at a gas station, at least it provides you with some income while you are creating your art. That "starving artist" bullshit is so heavily overrated. Get a job like normal people. Anyways...with the demand for graphic designers and the need for new upcoming ideas, art provides jobs for people. It provides an income. So therefore, art creates jobs. Now how can you hate that?

Art does not contribute to our society. Hmmm...really? You really think it doesn't? Wow, because last I checked it creates jobs, gives us a better understanding of our culture and past, and let's artists exercise their First Amendment right. Thinking about taking that back about now? Yeah, I think so.

In no way do I expect to miraculously change your foolish and close minded opinion, but simple broaden your education on art and the purpose it serves. With that I close this argument and leave it up for debate.
Comment away you filthy swine!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Republican Candidates - Choose Wisely

For those of you who are completely and utterly clueless as to what is going on in our world I will be gladly to inform you. The Caucus has returned and 6 new candidates are attempting to elected as President, or as I like to call him a Figure Head. The President is Chief in Command and heroically leads our great country. He puts himself on the block for ridicule and slander in hopes that he can change this country for the better. Yes, it is a lot of responsibility but someone has to do it. As of now President Obama is our leader and could possibly be re-elected for another term. According to polls, he is most likely out of all the other candidates to be re-elected. Many people are unsure of the six other runners. I will be the first to say I am curious to see what other things Obama can pull out of his sleeve. He has done numerous great things for our country; pay roll tax (which might I add that the Republicans are reluctant to take his side on this issue), captured and killed Osama Bin Laden, and pulled our troops out of the middle east. How can anyone sit there idly by and say this man has done nothing for our country? If you cannot see this you are ignorant. 

Now onto more pressing matters, the Caucus. The results are in and Mitt Romney is in the lead but right behind him is the budding Conservative Rick Santorum. Romney beat Santorum by eight votes! The New York Times is calling it the closest call ever in the Iowa Caucus. Trailing in third is Ron Paul, fourth is New Gingrich, fifth is Rick Perry, and lastly is Michelle Bachmann. It is FINALLY official that Bachmann has dropped out. I believe that racist should have never have never even begun to run. Let’s just be happy that she dropped out.

New Hampshire is now where the candidates are settled in, but soon they will be in South Carolina then off to Florida. These four states are hard hitting and have the biggest impact on the votes in America. Obama has not quite started his campaign yet. The primaries will take place in New Hampshire as well. 

According to NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams people in Iowa and New Hampshire are bombarded with ads. 40% of what they see on television is political ads. Newt Gingrich claims he was running a positive campaign but now he has shifted to a negative campaign. ALL of Gingrich’s ads are directed towards Mitt Romney, our front running man. I would like to make a point that once you foolishly do this you have completely eliminated yourself from the campaign. You are no longer running, you slandering. If these candidates continue to use slander and negative ads like that they are taking away from what their original intentions are: to let us, the people of America, know what they believe in or want to do to help our country. Mitt Romney is one of the few besides Rick Santorum that is putting out positive ads. Keep that in mind people when you vote. Would you rather vote for a person who is focused on other people and not on themselves, or for someone who focuses on themselves? My mom always told me that when you talk about people you don’t like you make them important to your life, therefore maybe some of these Republicans should step back and focus on themselves. 

As for me, I have no idea who I want to vote for and I am somewhat unsure of many politicians. I quite honestly do not trust them. They use so much puffery that you cannot see through the bullshit. I often wonder how anyone get around in that muck. The one thing that I do like that Mitt Romney has said, “I am not illegal immigration. I am for legal immigration.” He is the only candidate who has addressed the illegal immigration issue besides Rick Perry who says just putting up a wall will stop people from coming in. All I can say is that man is a complete idiot. He has no common sense whatsoever. The key thing I want you all to do is watch the news, read the newspaper (may I suggest the New York Times), and stay up to date on these issues because they do directly impact YOU.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Black Friday

The treacherous day of Black Friday has passed us but the stench of desperation still lingers. Black Friday is an infamous day of shopping where consumers totally lose sight of their once so dear morals and values. Instead an unruly beast emerges inside all of them that takes hold and won't release them from its clutches until this fever passes. Once it passes you can breathe again, but don't let out out that sigh of relief too fast because pretty soon your pockets and bank accounts will mock you.

Due to curiosity, my two friends and I ventured out into the world of Black Friday. I was somewhat prepared as I usually am in certain circumstances. I had my stomping boots, a can of mace, and a pen. I carried my backpack which held my precious cleats which haven't been used since my last visit at CVA. One must always be prepared to stomp these animals just to make sure they stay in line. I knew going into this it would be a gruesome blood bath but what I wasn't prepared for was how amusing and determined these Black Friday shoppers would be.

So, Thursday at 11pm, my friends and I went to the Mall of America. Parking was awful. When I go to Hell, Black Friday parking will definitely be part of my Hell. It will leave you endlessly searching for a parking spot that doesn't even exist. The entire time I will be searching for a spot, I will be raising my rebel fist out the window screaming, "YOU ROTTEN BASTARDS!" There was no fucking parking...ANYWHERE! Only a deranged person would attempt to find parking at the MOA on Black Friday. Instead we parked at an apartment complex, walked across the street, and courageously entered the mall.

Now, I have never officially gone Black Friday shopping. I have only heard the horror stories, and a few stories of success. I'm one of those people who doesn't get all wrapped up in the hoop-lah of things. I prefer to be an outsider, more so an observer and an analyzer of human  behavior. Black Friday is a big day for consumers who relish the idea of getting "great deals", "steals", and "bargains". Unlike these people humping the American Dream I stay at home cursing all of you with my bottle of vodka and a 6 pack of Fat Tire. After all who could turn their back on a friends like that? I'll never surrender you fools! Anyways...Black Friday is meant to help boost our shotty economy and get people ready for the spirit of giving, but really all it does is show that we are cheap and materialistic. The Amish probably sit around and tell their children horror stories about Black Friday. They sit and gasp and let out blood curtling screams. The children shield their ears and promise their parents they will never sin again, and they beg to never hear such stories. But of course Black Friday does go on every year, and every year they open earlier in hopes to make that extra dollar.

As I braced myself, I knew I was going to witness some rancid stuff. As I looked around at all these shoppers, I saw they meant business and they were not to be fucked with, and neither was I. Some serious shit was about to go down at midnight and I had an aching feeling of hostility and regret in the pit of my stomach. How anyone could get around in this muck was questionable. The first floor was flooded with shoppers who were eagerly pushing and shoving to get to the front. One of my friends decided to take the liberty of woohooing the crowds. With their adrenaline rushing they screeched back like a pack of wild hyenas at feeding time.

Midnight hit and all you could see was a sea of bodies trampling into the stores. Their eyes were filled with excitement and they all had one thing on their mind: shop. It's the same way a coke fiend reacts when they know they are about to score an eightball that they somehow got a discount for because they are a frequent buyer. All it takes is a pocket full of money and determination and you score. It's all about getting a deal and that high that one so desperately craves and needs in order to survive.

As the screaming and shoving continued we trudged our way to the exit. I had enough of this chaotic nonsense. MOA was too big and unpredictable, so we strolled our way back to the car and set off to South Town. I had an inkling that the shoppers would not be as blood thirsty as the ones at the MOA. Unfortunately, my theory was proven wrong when we arrived at Target. SUVs and trucks were lined up, anxiously waiting for their friends or family to come out with purchases. People were hauling carts upon carts stuffed with HD TVs and other items they deemed valuable. The dread started to kick in and I started to curse myself for being such a fool on such a jolly night.

I wanted out, but I kept forward because this was a different crowd. Their energy was raw and their nerves had been frayed. They wanted to get the fuck out but chose not to. Some of them had searching eyes that were longing for the exit but they stayed waiting in line for 2 hours to check out. I heard children begging their mothers to bring them home. I saw mothers and daughters scheming on how they were going to get everything on their shopping list. The elderly were slowly making their way through the store praying to their Lord and Savior that they wouldn't be visiting the emergency room due to a broken hip that resulted in an ill-fated shove from a ruthless shopper. Many of these shoppers looked hungover from a hearty Thanksgiving meal.

Bad vibes and boredom filled me, so I told my friends let's bail. As we departed, one of my friends and I were still curious to see what kind of life was breeding at the other stores. By this time it was 2am. To my despair, it was the same thing at other stores; zombie like creatures wading their way through the crowds and check out lines. Throughout our final stop, my other friend kept whining about us bring him home and he proceeded to the employees that we were shooting him up with cocaine. I, too, started to feel his desperation. So we left, thus ending our fruitless curiosity of Black Friday.

I honestly don't know if I will ever venture out again on Black Friday. I think someone would have to offer me a handful of stimulants and a pint of vodka before I ever do that again. I understand the desire to save money but never to the point of waiting in lines for hours. Black Friday goes on my shit list right next to Richard Nixon. Take that you heartless bastards! Harharhar! Screw your penny pinching ideas of saving. I say cherish the people who are in your life, and rather than buying them a gift spend time with them and thank them. Because when it all comes down to it those things are just materialistic items that will never grant you the happiness you desire.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Mental Health Stigma - Bipolar Disorder

The topic for this week will be mental health. I am going to pick one form of mental illness this week and that will be bipolar disorder. The purpose of this post is to educate you the readers on this illness and then discuss the stigma surrounding it. I am going to use citations from my abnormal psychology book and notes. I will also add my own knowledge as well, and yes, I am very educated about mental illness so please don't doubt what I write. If you have questions then leave a comment.

Bipolar disorder or other wise known as manic depression, is diagnosed to people who experience both highs and lows, also known as mania and depression. Many of these suffers feel that their emotions are on a roller coaster, never knowing when they are going to get manic or depressed. Bipolar disorder is broken down into two kinds: bipolar I and bipolar II. People who experience bipolar disorder I have full manic episodes and major depressive episodes, and people who experience bipolar disorder II have hypomanic episodes (mildly manic) and have major depressive episodes (Comer 219). People who experience mania may have an elevated mood, talk fast, irritability, verbal outbursts, extremely optimistic, decreased need for sleep, racing thoughts, delusions and hallucinations, and excessive involvement in pleasurable activities. Of course this all may seem fine and dandy but some of these symptoms can lead to destructive habits such as driving extremely fast that could endanger other people, promiscuity, or drug and alcohol abuse. Another key point I'd like to make is many people who experience a manic episode can and may get psychotic, or go through psychosis, which can lead to delusions and hallucinations. This can be very scary for someone going through this. The most common form of hallucination is hearing and seeing things. Some hallucinations may be good while others very scary and bad. Many suffers usually have to be hospitalized to cope with the psychotic episodes. People who experience depression may have a loss of interest in things they once found pleasurable, excessive sleep or decreased sleep, overeating or not eating enough, poor concentration, hopelessness, irritability, suicidal thoughts, or self injurious behavior thoughts. The average onset for bipolar disorder is 25 years old ( Obviously some people experience these symptoms at a very young age, possibly as an adolescent. There are many other disorders that are similar to bipolar disorder such as Cyclothymic Disorder and Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder, so those should not be ruled out when being diagnosed.

This is a scan of a bipolar brain when manic and depressed. As you can see red, orange, and yellow colors indicate higher brain activity in the brain while a depressed brain has low activity which is indicated by the blue and green colors.

There is no cure for bipolar disorder but lithium and other medications have proven to be very effective in helping reduce the symptoms. Psychotherapy is also another form of aid for suffers (Comer 222). Personally, I think taking medication, attending therapy or even attending DBT (Dialect Behavior Therapy), and attending NAMI meetings can help any individual get better. I have met many people who suffer with all kinds of illnesses and the combination of those have really helped them. 

Now onto the stigma that surrounds mental illness and people who suffer from bipolar disorder. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard people say, "She's crazy! She's up and down and up and down! She needs to be put in a nut house." First off, those comments are offensive to me and to anyone who suffers with a mental illness. People with mental illness are not crazy! THEY ARE PEOPLE JUST LIKE YOU AND ME. There are many people who are very successful that suffer with a mental illness such as Virginia Wolfe and Ernest Hemingway. They should not be judged based on their moods or actions. They deserve the same amount of attention and respect just as anyone else. People with mental illness have a face just like everyone. Some people hide their illness better than others, most likely because they are ashamed or embarrassed. Mental illness affects tens of millions of people each year (National Institute of Mental Health). Instead of judging other people who have these roller coaster moods, do your research. Maybe there is a way you can help that person. There are many people who suffer from mental illness and don't even know it.

I also want people to quit saying that because someone has these rapid mood swings that they are crazy. I know I cannot make people stop from saying such things but seriously, listen to yourself when you talk. How do you know you aren't offending someone right next to you that suffers from bipolar disorder? Bipolar disorder is a serious illness that has to be treated with care.

I want to address the people who do suffer with mental illness. Do not think you are crazy. There are other people out there who do experience what you go through on a daily basis. There is ALWAYS help. Support groups such as NAMI are only a couple miles away. Also, do not be ashamed that you have a mental illness. It is something that you can use to help other people.

Now to you readers, here's my question: Why do you think some people give mental illness a negative stigma?

***NOTE: For anyone commenting please be careful of what you say, there are many people out there who suffer with mental illness and you could easily offend someone by posting something offensive. As for the ignorant people, comment away...just be warned that what you say will most likely be a full fledged attack on your stupidity and ignorance.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Necessary or Unncessary?

As you all know, and for God's sake I hope you all do know, that Muammar Gaddafi was killed October 20, 2011. He was killed by revolutionaries. Libya is now free from a horrendous dictatorship of nearly 40 years. Libya now says they are going to run their country according to the religion of Islam. When I saw the news I was happy and relieved that now Libya could finally be free from the reigns of a man who almost replicated the Holocaust. Kare 11's news anchorwoman began to talk about how they were not going to show photographs of his dead beaten bloodied body. Then they let the question rest on us, the viewers: Do you want to see photographs or video of Gaddafi's body? My first reaction was "You've got to be fucking kidding me? Are they serious?" I was appalled and disgusted that any broadcast news would show photographs or footage of his death. Kare 11 then took a poll on Facebook and people replied back things such as, "Yes I want to see the body!" or "I need proof!" or "You can't believe what you see or read in the news." The last quote disturbs me the most because as viewers we should be able to believe what we see and read in the news. The news should be reporting strictly facts. But to see the horrific photos of Gaddafi's body? Seriously people? Why do we need proof of that? Why can't we believe what the news says or writes?

This is the problem with journalism these days: believability. How do we know what journalists are reporting is true? I have the answer to that folks, do your research. Research as many newspapers or online websites as you can to get the facts. That is what we are after, correct? If the news said Gaddafi is dead then we should believe them. Their job is tell us the facts and news...things we believe are important and newsworthy to us. The problem with people today is that they don't do their research on things. We think that just because one news cast or newspaper said one thing that we should believe them. As I said, do your research. Find the cold hard facts.

As for seeing the photos and video of Gaddafi's dead body I don't care to see it. NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams released the photos on their broadcast and I shook my head in disbelief. When other people are shot and killed do we show photos of their body? No, we don't because it is out of RESPECT for their family. And before you go off on me about respect in regards to Gaddafi, he deserves no respect but to publicly post pictures of him bloodied and shot in the face is unnecessary. What is it justifying to us? That we can see the bastard dead and laugh about it with friends? I think any reasonable person would be disgusted by it. Imagine reading the newspaper in a coffee shop with Gaddafi's beaten and shot ridden head on the front page. How do you think other people around you would feel seeing that? What about children?
To solve this problem of people not believing the press I think that the press should: address issues that are newsworthy to the people and be as honest, truthful, and factworthy as possible. Writing celebrity news and broadcasting it is not newsworthy. Coughcough That's you Kare 11 (Hey Kare 11, no one gives a shit if Kim Kardashian is getting divorced. Mkay?!) Is it interesting? Yes to some people but for the most part we want news that will be affecting us and other people around us.
So here is my question to readers: Do you need to see photos or footage of Gaddafi's body? Why?

Monday, October 31, 2011

New beginnings

I am starting this blog for various reasons:
1. To make people more aware of certain issues that NEED to be addressed
2. To provide readers with valuable information
3. To ensure readers that good journalism and writing is not dead
4. To educate readers on good writing and journalism
5. To humor myself and readers

 I believe that too many people are not educated enough on important issues. I have become painfully aware that many consumers do not believe what is being read in the newspapers and broadcasted on the news. This has raised the question is journalism dead? I say Hell no! There are good journalists and writers out there who do report facts. Of course when facts come into play so do opinions. My blog will be very opinionated and will be peppered in facts...facts that I will feel are important and vital to readers. If you don't like what you read then either leave or at least leave a justified comment and I will gladly respond back. I am no way perfect and will try to be as honest and opened minded about the subjects I write about. I feel that this is my duty as a writer to write about the five things I listed above. Most importantly I want to thank Hunter S. Thompson, Chuck Palahniuk and Marya Hornbacher for inspiring me to write, without those three great writers I wouldn't be inspired to be the writer that I am today. So thank you, especially you Hunter. And so here we go...or as Hunter puts...Buy the ticket, take the ride!